Fill Me Up Friday

as received by Deacon Stan Cor; shared with permission

From the song, “Fill My Cup, Lord”:
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up Lord
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more;
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
Lord, as the words of the song express, You are the only One Who can fill me up, the only One Who can quench this thirsting of my soul. Lord, I thank You for placing this hunger & thirst for You in our souls, in my soul.
I thirst for You, more of You revealed and manifested in my life. You have already fed me with much of Yourself, Your nature, love, wisdom, mercy and so much more. With all that You have revealed and manifested to me, I thirst for even more, much, much more! Keep filling and feeding me with more; my thirst is so great!

Lord, it seems that the more You give me, the more I desire, not out of greed, but out of my need for You.The more I taste of You, the more I want. I think this thirst for You can never be fully satisfied in this earthly life time. That is why You call us to yourself to share eternity with You so that You can continue to fill us with more revelation of the greatness and glory of all that You are and do.
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!

“You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. (Psalm 23:5)”

All praise to You, my Lord and my God. You not only fill my cup, but keep on pouring until Your goodness overflows to bless others. How wonderfully extravagantly generous You are! The more of Your blessing I share, the more You keep pouring in!
We should never be satisfied with just enough for our families and ourselves; we should desire the abundant overflow to pour into others. There are needy ones among us, we ask You to keep on pouring more and more so that the cup of our lives continually overflows with blessings to them.
Fill my cup; fill it to overflow. Fill me up, Lord, more and more. I will generously share with others.

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